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Winsome McIntosh

Winsome McIntosh has devoted her time to public service advocacy most of her adult life. She believes everyone has a duty to give back to society/community for the betterment of those less fortunate and for the future of succeeding generations.

Winsome McIntosh has close to 40 years experience in the philanthropic community. She is a peer consultant on management and generational succession issues for family foundations through her consulting firm, Philanthropic Strategies. She has served on the board of the McIntosh Foundation since 1972, while actively participating in its management and was a founder of the Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties in Florida and the Kappa Delta Foundation. She was the founder and first executive director of the Association of Small Foundations. She has served on the boards of a number of not-for-profits corporations (both local and national) including the She Should Run Foundation, Alliance for Justice, League of Conservation Voters, Defenders of Wildlife (presently Chairman), and ClientEarth, UK (presently Founder and Chairman). In the for-profit community, she has served on the boards of American Legal Systems, Island National Bank and Trust Company (first woman elected in the town of Palm Beach, FL), and presently Mo-DV, a California software company. Winsome is the Founder of Rachel’s Network, a membership organization of leading women philanthropists interested in the issues of environment, women and children’s health, and women’s empowerment. Having passed the CEO leadership on at the 10 year mark of Rachel's Network, her new endeavors include increased work with ClientEarth in Europe as a major focus of the McIntosh Foundation (its founder) for the next 10 years with a goal of making a difference in environmental public policy in the 27 countries of the European Union. Next goals to be determined, but am most interested in working in the for-profit sector, especially at the corporate governance level where more women are needed.

Winsome McIntosh's Background

Winsome McIntosh's Experience

Chairman/Founder at ClientEarth

2007 - Present

Founded ClientEarth, the first public-interest law firm established in the UK and EU sectors. With offices in London, Brussels, and Warsaw, ClientEarth is recognized as the "legal arm" of the environmental community in those 27 countries. Responsible for research/hire of founding executive director and partnering with him to develop the firm with advisory management skills.

Founder/Past President/Director at Rachel's Network

December 1999 - Present | Washington, DC

Founded and developed over a 10 year period a nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a network of women conservation funders to be an influential voice for the environment. Developed a membership network of close to 100 women who represent a grant-making capacity of over $500million per year and oversight/management of over $8billion in endowments. Rachel's Network brings together like-minded women to forge strategic partnerships and obtain and maintain leadership positions in the public and private sectors,

Chairman at Defenders of Wildlife

May 1994 - Present

Recently, as Vice Chairman, helped prepare and complete an organizational transition from retiring CEO of 20 years and Board elected COO to the new leadership position. Presently serving as Chairman of the Board.

President at Philanthropic Strategies, Inc.

1994 - August 2011

Consulting firm providing expertise in foundation management, grant management, family dynamics of philanthropy

member at Garden Club of America

1975 - 2011

Director at League of Conservation Voters Education Fund

November 1994 - December 2010

Provide long-term vision for the growth and work of the organization, short-term management advice, and leadership and support for the League's work in the political arena and state capacity environmental political advocacy.

Director at Center for Health & Gobal Environment/Harvard Med School

2005 - 2010

Director at League of Conservation Voters

1994 - 2006

Provide long-term vision for the growth and work of the organization, short-term management advice, and leadership and support for the League's work in the political arena and state capacity environmental political advocacy.

Director at Casey Trees

2000 - 2004

Founder/Director at Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties

1974 - 1993

Purser at Pan American Airlines

May 1966 - December 1967

Stewardess for 6 months, then Purser for a year immediately after college.

Director at She Should Run Foundation

January 2010

Provide long-term vision for the growth and work of the organization, short-term management advice, and leadership and support for the Foundation's work in the political sector to support and increase the number of qualified women running for office.

Director at The Boat Company

January 1980

An Eco-Tour Cruise business in SouthEast Alaska.

Director Emeritae at League of Conservation Voters

January 1994

Retired from the Boards of LCV having serving continuously since 1994. Will continue to support the League's work as a donor.

Director at Rachel's Network

January 1999

Director at Mo-DV, Inc.

November 2006

Assist/invest in Mo-DV research, development, and production of new technology for mobile phones enhancing the capacity of the mobile media to expand into countless areas of use beyond traditional use.

Director at Kappa Delta Foundation

May 2007

Work with founding group of directors to establish a private foundation committed to supporting the charitable work of the National Kappa Delta organization and manage a grant-making program.

Director at Alliance For Justice

March 2009

Provide long-term vision for the growth and work of the organization, short-term management advice, and leadership and support for the Alliance's work in the field of judicial integrity for our court system.

Vice President at The McIntosh Foundation


Winsome McIntosh's Education

University of Florida

1962 – 1966

BS in Business Administration

Concentration: Marketing

Activities: Kappa Delta Sorority

Winsome McIntosh's Interests & Activities

advocacy for public policy, women's leadership development, environmental advocacy and support, reading, family

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